12 February 2011

Eighteen Acres

I grew up in the DC area--a suburb on the Maryland side of DC to be exact. You can't go anywhere without politics smacking you in the face. I also grew up in a very politically active family, so you could say enjoying politics and politically directed entertainment is in my blood. Which is probably why the novel Eighteen Acres popped out at me when I went to the bookstore.

Eighteen Acres follows three women- the first female president of the US, her chief of staff, and a reporter. All three women are strong, independent, intelligent, career women. Their lives, obviously, interact, and not always in expected ways.

I couldn't put it down. Nicole Wallace did an exceptional job of bringing the political sphere into reach, without shoving any political agenda down your throat. If you're looking for a healthy debate on any party's platform, this is not the book for you. But if you're looking for strong female leads, and enjoy political fiction, run to the bookstore and grab this book. I give it 4 stars.

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